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- /* AstroPanic ST by Charles Brannon */
- /* adapted from MULTIFDB.C by Charles Brannon */
- /* created June 12 1986 */
- /* last modified June 27 1986 */
- #include <define.h>
- #include <gemdefs.h>
- #include <obdefs.h>
- #include <osbind.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #define fdb_XOR 6
- #define fdb_REPLACE 3
- #define fdb_ERASE 4
- #define fdb_TRANS 7
- #define fdb_REVTRANS 13
- #define rnd(x) (Random()%(x))
- #define HIDE_MOUSE graf_mouse(M_OFF,&dummy)
- #define SHOW_MOUSE graf_mouse(M_ON,&dummy)
- #define COLORMODE work_out[35]
- #define NUMSPRITES 6
- #define MISSILE_H (COLORMODE? 8 : 16)
- #define MISSILE_SPEED (COLORMODE? 7 : 12 )
- #define TOPSCREEN 4
- #define TEXTBOX 32
- /* global variables */
- int dummy,ch,cw;
- int work_handle,contrl[12],pxyarray[10];
- int intin[128],intout[128],ptsin[128],ptsout[128];
- int work_in[11],work_out[57];
- struct my_fdb
- {
- char *fd_addr; /* address of raster */
- int fd_w; /* width in pixels */
- int fd_h; /* height in rows */
- int fd_wdwidth; /* width in words */
- int fd_stand; /* 0 for ST, 1 for standard */
- int fd_nplanes; /* how many planes */
- int fd_r1, fd_r2, fd_r3; /* reserved */
- } saucer,screen,cannon;
- int colortab[16][3]; /* used to save colors */
- unsigned long score; /* you know what this is! */
- int ships; /* how many cannons are left */
- int missile; /* flag for whether missile is in flight or not */
- int missile_x,missile_y; /* position of missile in flight */
- int cannon_x, cannon_y; /* horizontal & vertical position of cannon */
- int xborder,yborder; /* screen boundaries */
- int x[NUMSPRITES],y[NUMSPRITES]; /* holds x/y position of sprites */
- int xacc[NUMSPRITES],yacc[NUMSPRITES]; /* acceleration factors */
- int isdead[NUMSPRITES]; /* is this sprite dead? */
- int death_toll; /* saucers shot this round */
- int textline; /* line where text box starts */
- int round; /* current level of game */
- int speed; /* saucer speed */
- main()
- {
- int sprite; /* sprite index */
- int prev_x,prev_y; /* stores previous position of a sprite */
- appl_init();
- init_workstation();
- set_colors();
- clear_sky();
- form_alert(1,"[1][AstroPanic!|Charles Brannon|(C) 1986 COMPUTE!|][ Let's Play! ]");
- init_shapes();
- xborder=work_out[0]-saucer.fd_w-4;
- textline=work_out[1]-((COLORMODE)? TEXTBOX : TEXTBOX<<1);
- yborder=textline-cannon.fd_h;
- cannon_y=yborder;
- reset_game();
- /* ye olde main loope */
- {
- check_for_pause();
- for (sprite=0;sprite<NUMSPRITES;sprite++)
- {
- if (isdead[sprite]) { dumdum(); continue; }
- prev_x=x[sprite]; prev_y=y[sprite];
- x[sprite]+=xacc[sprite];
- y[sprite]+=yacc[sprite];
- if (x[sprite]<4 || x[sprite]>xborder)
- xacc[sprite]=-xacc[sprite],x[sprite]=prev_x;
- if (y[sprite]<TOPSCREEN || y[sprite]>yborder)
- yacc[sprite]=-yacc[sprite],y[sprite]=prev_y;
- put(&saucer,prev_x,prev_y,fdb_XOR);
- put(&saucer,x[sprite],y[sprite],fdb_XOR);
- if (cannon_y-y[sprite]<8)
- if ( (cannon_x>=x[sprite] && cannon_x<=x[sprite]+saucer.fd_w) ||
- (cannon_x+cannon.fd_w>=x[sprite] && cannon_x+cannon.fd_w<=x[sprite]+saucer.fd_w) )
- {
- kill_cannon();
- break;
- }
- } /* end for */
- move_cannon();
- if (missile) update_missile();
- }
- }
- Terminate(flag)
- int flag;
- {
- reset_colors();
- v_clsvwk(work_handle);
- appl_exit();
- exit(flag);
- }
- /* dummy routine, for short delay */
- dumdum()
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0;i++<42-(round<<1););
- }
- reset_game()
- {
- missile=FALSE; /* kill missile */
- clear_sky();
- speed=2; /* maximum speed */
- score=round=death_toll=0; ships=3;
- update_scorebox();
- cannon_x=0;
- put (&cannon,cannon_x,cannon_y,fdb_XOR); /* cannon appears */
- init_ufos();
- }
- /* fill sky with stars */
- clear_sky()
- {
- int star;
- v_clrwk(work_handle);
- vsl_color(work_handle,1);
- vswr_mode(work_handle,1); /* replace */
- for (star=0;star<100;star++)
- {
- pxyarray[2]=pxyarray[0]=rnd(work_out[0]);
- pxyarray[3]=pxyarray[1]=rnd(work_out[1]);
- v_pline(work_handle,2,pxyarray);
- }
- }
- /* allow player to pause game by pressing a key */
- check_for_pause()
- {
- int key,which;
- /* poll keyboard by waiting for a null time duration */
- which=evnt_multi(MU_TIMER|MU_KEYBD,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,&dummy,0,0,
- &dummy,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy,&key,&dummy);
- if (which & MU_KEYBD) evnt_keybd();
- }
- /* initializes positions and vectors for saucers */
- init_ufos()
- {
- int sprite;
- death_toll=0; /* no sprites dead yet */
- for (sprite=0;sprite<NUMSPRITES;sprite++)
- {
- isdead[sprite]=xacc[sprite]=yacc[sprite]=0;
- while (xacc[sprite]==0) xacc[sprite]=(speed>>1)-rnd(speed+1);
- while (yacc[sprite]==0) yacc[sprite]=(speed>>1)-rnd(speed+1);
- x[sprite]=8+rnd(xborder-8);
- y[sprite]=8+rnd(yborder-50);
- put (&saucer,x[sprite],y[sprite],fdb_XOR); /* make it appear */
- }
- }
- update_scorebox()
- {
- char temp[20];
- int y,d;
- pxyarray[0]=0; pxyarray[1]=textline;
- pxyarray[2]=work_out[0]; pxyarray[3]=work_out[1];
- vswr_mode(work_handle,1); /* replace */
- vsf_color(work_handle,1); /* white */
- vsf_interior(work_handle,1); /* solid */
- v_bar(work_handle,pxyarray);
- vswr_mode(work_handle,2); /* transparent */
- vsl_color(work_handle,COLORMODE? 3 : 0);
- for (y=d=0;y<TEXTBOX;y+=d++)
- {
- pxyarray[0]=0; pxyarray[1]=y+textline;
- pxyarray[2]=work_out[0]; pxyarray[3]=y+textline;
- v_pline(work_handle,2,pxyarray);
- }
- vsl_color(work_handle,1);
- /* draw text in red, if possible */
- vst_color(work_handle,COLORMODE? 2 : 0);
- vst_alignment(work_handle,1,0,&dummy,&dummy); /* center */
- v_gtext(work_handle,work_out[0]>>1,textline+(ch<<1)+(COLORMODE? 0 : ch),"ASTROPANIC");
- vst_color(work_handle,0); /* draw text in black */
- vst_alignment(work_handle,0,0,&dummy,&dummy); /* left */
- sprintf(temp,"Cannons:%d Level:%d",ships,round+1);
- v_gtext(work_handle,cw,textline+ch*3,temp);
- vst_alignment(work_handle,2,0,&dummy,&dummy); /* right */
- sprintf(temp,"Score:%07lu0",score);
- v_gtext(work_handle,work_out[0]-cw,textline+ch*3,temp);
- vst_alignment(work_handle,0,0,&dummy,&dummy);
- vst_color(work_handle,1);
- }
- /* when cannon is hit, kill it */
- kill_cannon()
- {
- int lum;
- put (&cannon,cannon_x,cannon_y,fdb_XOR); /* remove cannon */
- if (COLORMODE) setcolor(0,1000,0,0); /* flash screen */
- else setcolor(0,1000,1000,1000); /* monochrome */
- explode(cannon_x+(cannon.fd_w>>1),cannon_y+(cannon.fd_h>>1),8,1);
- for (lum=1000;lum>=0;setcolor(0,lum--,0,0));
- else setcolor(0,0,0,0);
- missile=FALSE; /* kill missile */
- --ships; update_scorebox();
- if (ships==0) { end_game(); return; }
- if (ships==1)
- form_alert(1,"[3][|Last Cannon|][Ready!]");
- else
- form_alert(1,"[3][|Next Cannon|][Ready!]");
- clear_sky();
- update_scorebox();
- cannon_x=0;
- put (&cannon,cannon_x,cannon_y,fdb_XOR); /* cannon appears */
- init_ufos();
- }
- /* explosion effect radiating from center */
- /* flag controls duration of sound effect */
- explode(xcenter,ycenter,radius,flag)
- int xcenter,ycenter,radius,flag;
- {
- static char boom[]=
- {0,0, 1,0, 2,0, 3,0, 4,0, 5,0, 6,63, 7,0xf7, 8,0x10, 9,0,
- 10,0, 11,0, 12,10, 13,0, 255,0};
- int r;
- boom[25]=flag? 20 : 10;
- Dosound(boom);
- vswr_mode(work_handle,3); /* XOR */
- vsf_interior(work_handle,0); /* hollow circle */
- for (r=0;r<radius;v_circle(work_handle,xcenter,ycenter,r+=2));
- for (r=0;r<radius;v_circle(work_handle,xcenter,ycenter,r+=2));
- vswr_mode(work_handle,1); /* normal */
- }
- end_game()
- {
- if (form_alert(1,"[2][Play Again?][YES|NO]")==1)
- {
- reset_game();
- }
- else Terminate(0);
- }
- /* moves cannon, checks for fire button */
- move_cannon()
- {
- int button,x,y,oldx;
- static int released=TRUE;
- static char blip[]=
- {0,0, 1,0, 2,10, 3,0, 4,0, 5,0, 6,0, 7,0xfd, 8,0, 9,16,
- 10,0, 11,0, 12,8, 13,4, 255,0};
- oldx=cannon_x;
- vq_mouse(work_handle,&button,&x,&y);
- if (button&2)
- {
- if (released)
- {
- if (missile) draw_missile(); /* erase old missile */
- Dosound(blip);
- missile=TRUE; missile_x=cannon_x+(cannon.fd_h>>1);
- missile_y=cannon_y;
- draw_missile();
- released=FALSE;
- }
- }
- else released=TRUE;
- cannon_x=(x<work_out[0]-cannon.fd_w)? x : work_out[0]-cannon.fd_w;
- if (cannon_x != oldx)
- {
- put (&cannon,oldx,cannon_y,fdb_XOR);
- put (&cannon,cannon_x,cannon_y,fdb_XOR);
- }
- }
- /* moves missile to next position, if missile is on screen */
- update_missile()
- {
- int sprite;
- draw_missile(); /* erase old missile */
- if ((missile_y-=MISSILE_SPEED)>TOPSCREEN)
- draw_missile(); /* draw new missile */
- else missile=FALSE; /* end of mission */
- for (sprite=0;sprite<NUMSPRITES;sprite++)
- {
- if (!isdead[sprite] && missile_x>=x[sprite] && missile_x<=x[sprite]+saucer.fd_w)
- if ( (y[sprite]>=missile_y && y[sprite]<=missile_y+MISSILE_H) ||
- (y[sprite]+saucer.fd_h>=missile_y && y[sprite]+saucer.fd_h<=missile_y+MISSILE_H) )
- {
- killsprite(sprite);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- killsprite(which)
- int which;
- {
- put (&saucer,x[which],y[which],fdb_XOR); /* remove saucer */
- draw_missile(); /* remove missile */
- missile=FALSE;
- explode(x[which]+(saucer.fd_w>>1),y[which],8,0);
- isdead[which]=TRUE;
- score+=(COLORMODE? y[which] : (y[which]<<1));
- update_scorebox();
- if (++death_toll==NUMSPRITES)
- {
- init_ufos();
- if (round<20)
- {
- round++; /* next round */
- update_scorebox();
- }
- if (speed<(COLORMODE? 16 : 24)) speed++;
- }
- }
- /* draws missile at missile_x, missile_y, with XOR */
- draw_missile()
- {
- vswr_mode(work_handle,3); /* XOR drawing mode */
- vsl_color(work_handle,1); /* white */
- pxyarray[0]=missile_x; pxyarray[1]=missile_y-MISSILE_H;
- pxyarray[2]=missile_x; pxyarray[3]=missile_y;
- v_pline(work_handle,2,pxyarray);
- vswr_mode(work_handle,1); /* replace mode */
- vsl_color(work_handle,1); /* black */
- }
- /* Saves colors in global array colortab[] */
- save_colors()
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0;i<16;i++)
- vq_color(work_handle,i,0,colortab[i]);
- }
- /* sets colors for this program */
- set_colors()
- {
- save_colors();
- setcolor(0,0,0,0); /* black */
- setcolor(1,1000,1000,1000); /* white */
- }
- setcolor(index,red,green,blue)
- int index,red,green,blue;
- {
- int rgb_in[3];
- rgb_in[0]=red; rgb_in[1]=green; rgb_in[2]=blue;
- vs_color(work_handle,index,rgb_in);
- }
- reset_colors()
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0;i<16;i++)
- vs_color(work_handle,i,colortab[i]);
- }
- /* waits for a period of time */
- delay(period)
- int period;
- {
- evnt_timer(period,0);
- }
- /* returns TRUE if mouse button clicked, else FALSE */
- int clicked()
- {
- int pstatus;
- vq_mouse(work_handle,&pstatus,&dummy,&dummy);
- return(pstatus&2);
- }
- /* initializes the shapes according to screen resolution */
- init_shapes()
- {
- screen.fd_addr=0; /* screen memory */
- switch (work_out[13]) /* number of colors */
- {
- /* high res, 640 x 400 */
- case 2: ufo_high();
- cannon_high();
- break;
- /* medium res, 640 x 200 */
- case 4: ufo_med();
- cannon_med();
- break;
- /* low res, 320 x 200 */
- case 16: ufo_low();
- cannon_low();
- break;
- }
- }
- /* initializes data for high-res saucer shape */
- ufo_high()
- {
- static int ufohigh[]=
- {7,0x8000,0x18,0x6000,0x20,0x1000,0x40,0x800,0x1ff,0xfc00,
- 0x1e49,0x27c0,0x7fff,0xfff0,0x8000,8,0x6aaa,0xaab0,0x1d55,
- 0x55c0,0x3ff,0xfe00,0,0};
- saucer.fd_addr=(char *) ufohigh; /* raster memory */
- saucer.fd_w=29; /* width in pixels */
- saucer.fd_h=11; /* height in rows */
- saucer.fd_wdwidth=2; /* width in words */
- saucer.fd_stand=1; /* standard FDB? */
- saucer.fd_nplanes=1; /* one plane */
- }
- cannon_high()
- {
- static int cannonhigh[]=
- {16,0,16,0,16,0,0x38,0,0x54,0,0x306c,0x19c0,0x68aa,0x2df0,
- 0x68aa,0x2c08,0xc4ba,0x46b0,0xd3ab,0x97c0,0xc8ba,0x2600,
- 0xd6aa,0xd600,0xd6aa,0xd600,0xc8ba,0x2600,0xd3ab,0x9600,
- 0xc4ba,0x4600,0x68aa,0x2c00,0x6828,0x2c00,0x307c,0x1800,0x38,0};
- cannon.fd_addr=(char *) cannonhigh; /* raster memory */
- cannon.fd_w=23; /* width in pixels */
- cannon.fd_h=20; /* height in rows */
- cannon.fd_wdwidth=2; /* width in words */
- cannon.fd_stand=1; /* standard FDB? */
- cannon.fd_nplanes=1; /* one plane */
- }
- /* initializes data for medium-res saucer shape */
- ufo_med()
- {
- static int ufomed[]=
- {
- 0,0,0xf800,0,0,0x701,
- 15,8,0xff00,0x100,0,0x800,
- 0x1ff,0x1ff,0xfff8,0xfff8,0x28,0x701,
- 0xffff,0x5555,0xffff,0x5555,0xf1c0,0x5800,
- 0x3fff,0x3fff,0xffff,0xffff,0x8000,0x8000,
- 0,0xff,0,0xffe0,0x8b0,0
- };
- saucer.fd_addr=(char *) ufomed; /* raster memory */
- saucer.fd_w=36; /* width in pixels */
- saucer.fd_h=6; /* height in rows */
- saucer.fd_wdwidth=3; /* width in words */
- saucer.fd_stand=0; /* not a standard FDB */
- saucer.fd_nplanes=2; /* two planes */
- }
- cannon_med()
- {
- static int cannonmed[]=
- { /* plane zero */
- 0x40,0, 0x40,0, 0xa0,0, 0x1f0,0, 0x21f0,0x8000,
- 0x51f1,0x4000, 0xd7fd,0x6000, 0xdfff,0x6000,
- 0xd9f3,0x6000, 0x50a1,0x4000, 0x2000,0x8000,
- /* plane one */
- 0,0, 0,0, 0xe0,0, 0x1b0,0, 0x21f0,0x8000,
- 0x7111,0xc000, 0xf7fd,0xe000, 0xff1f,0xe000,
- 0xf9f3,0xe000, 0x70e1,0xc000, 0x2000,0x8000
- };
- cannon.fd_addr=(char *) cannonmed; /* raster memory */
- cannon.fd_w=19; /* width in pixels */
- cannon.fd_h=11; /* height in rows */
- cannon.fd_wdwidth=2; /* width in words */
- cannon.fd_stand=1; /* standard FDB? */
- cannon.fd_nplanes=2; /* two planes */
- vr_trnfm(work_handle,&cannon,&cannon);
- }
- /* initializes shapes for low resolution */
- ufo_low()
- {
- static int ufolow[]=
- {0,7,0,7,0,0x8000,0,0x8000,
- 1,0x1e,0,0x1e,0x8000,0x6000,0,0x6000,
- 0,0x3f,0,0x3f,0x4000,0xb000,0,0xb000,
- 0,0x7f,0,0x7f,0,0xf800,0,0xf800,
- 0x1ff,0,0,0,0xfc00,0,0,0,
- 0,1e49,0x1b6,0x1b6,0,0x27c0,0xd800,0xd800,
- 0,0x7fff,0x7fff,0x7fff,0,0xfff0,0xfff0,0xfff0,
- 0x8000,0,0xffff,0,8,0,0xfff8,0,
- 0x6aaa,0x1555,0x7fff,0,0xaab0,0x5540,0xfff0,0,
- 0x1d55,0x1d55,0x1d55,0x1d55,0x55c0,0x55c0,0x55c0,0x55c0,
- 0x3ff,0x3ff,0,0,0xfe00,0xfe00,0,0};
- saucer.fd_addr=(char *) ufolow; /* raster memory */
- saucer.fd_w=29; /* width in pixels */
- saucer.fd_h=11; /* height in rows */
- saucer.fd_wdwidth=2; /* width in words */
- saucer.fd_stand=0; /* not a standard FDB */
- saucer.fd_nplanes=4; /* four planes */
- }
- cannon_low()
- {
- static int cannonlow[]=
- {0,16,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,16,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,16,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0x38,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0x28,0x54,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0x307c,0x3010,0x3000,0x1c0,0x1800,0x1800,0x1800,
- 0x1000,0x78fe,0x7854,0x7800,0x11f0,0x3c00,0x3c00,0x3c00,
- 0x1000,0x78fe,0x7854,0x7800,0x1008,0x3c00,0x3c00,0x3c00,
- 0x3800,0xfcfe,0xfc44,0xfc00,0x38b0,0x7e00,0x7e00,0x7e00,
- 0x2c00,0xefff,0xff55,0xef01,0x69c0,0xee00,0xfe00,0xee00,
- 0x3701,0xf7ff,0xff45,0xf701,0xd800,0xde00,0xfe00,0xde00,
- 0x2901,0xe9ff,0xff55,0xe901,0x2800,0x2e00,0xfe00,0x2e00,
- 0x2901,0xe9ff,0xff55,0xe901,0x2800,0x2e00,0xfe00,0x2e00,
- 0x3701,0xf7ff,0xff45,0xf701,0xd800,0xde00,0xfe00,0xde00,
- 0x2c00,0xefff,0xff55,0xef01,0x6800,0xee00,0xfe00,0xee00,
- 0x3800,0xfcfe,0xfc44,0xfc00,0x3800,0x7e00,0x7e00,0x7e00,
- 0x1000,0x78fe,0x7854,0x7800,0x1000,0x3c00,0x3c00,0x3c00,
- 0x1000,0x787c,0x7854,0x7800,0x1000,0x3c00,0x3c00,0x3c00,
- 0,0x307c,0x3000,0x3000,0,0x1800,0x1800,0x1800,
- 0x38,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
- cannon.fd_addr=(char *) cannonlow; /* raster memory */
- cannon.fd_w=23; /* width in pixels */
- cannon.fd_h=20; /* height in rows */
- cannon.fd_wdwidth=2; /* width in words */
- cannon.fd_stand=0; /* not standard FDB */
- cannon.fd_nplanes=4; /* four planes */
- }
- put(shape,xpos,ypos,mode)
- struct my_fdb *shape;
- int xpos,ypos,mode;
- {
- pxyarray[0]=0; pxyarray[1]=0;
- pxyarray[2]=shape->fd_w-1; pxyarray[3]=shape->fd_h-1;
- pxyarray[4]=xpos; pxyarray[5]=ypos;
- pxyarray[6]=xpos+pxyarray[2];
- pxyarray[7]=ypos+pxyarray[3];
- vro_cpyfm(work_handle,mode,pxyarray,shape,&screen);
- }
- init_workstation()
- {
- int i, handle;
- work_handle=handle=graf_handle(&cw,&ch,&dummy,&dummy);
- for (i=0;i<10;work_in[i++]=1); work_in[10]=2;
- v_opnvwk(work_in,&work_handle,work_out);
- if (!work_handle) exit(-1); /* error if we can't open */
- }